Acid Drops

1 240G JAR7mason jar1Hexagonal Glas Jars1 70g Bag Samplephoto_2021-12-14_16-22-35


Guaranteed to perk you up, these are a staple in our inventory. If sour candies are your thing, look no further than our acid drops!

Flavours: Sour Apple, Sour Raspberry, Sour Grape, Sour Blueberry

SKU: N/A Categories:


Candy Information and Care

All of our candy is cut by hand and there will be variation in the size of each piece.

The packaging we keep the candies in, are airtight. Please keep your candy in an airtight container otherwise it will become sticky. Yes, it will.

The candy is best consumed six months from date of purchase.

Additional information


160g Plastic Bubble Jar, 240g Round Glass Jar, 30g Hexagonal Glass Jar, 45g Hexagonal Glass Jar, 55g Teddy Bear Glass Jar, 70g Hexagonal Glass Jar, 150g Metal Clip Jar, 1kg Bag, 30g Mini Mason Jar, 70g Bag, 150g Bag

4 responses to “Acid Drops

  1. Hi do you think this will be in-stock anytime soon? I really want to get this as a gift for my friend, he loved it and has been complaining that’s you guys don’t have it anymore! Please let me know!

  2. Hi, I would like to order Acid Drops. However, the website states that acid drops are out of stock. When will new stocks come in?

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